Best Places to Visit and Things to See in Polonnaruwa

Polonnaruwa is a treasure trove of ancient ruins and historical marvels that transport visitors back to the glory days of the Sinhalese kingdom. From ancient temples to royal palaces in this a UNESCO World Heritage Site, here’s a guide to the must-see places to visit in Polonnaruwa.

Gal Vihara Temple

One of the most iconic Polonnaruwa tourist attractions is the Gal Vihara Temple. This rock temple, renowned for its colossal rock-cut statues of the Buddha, is a masterpiece of ancient Sri Lankan art. The best time to visit is early morning or late afternoon by tuk-tuk, to avoid the heat and the crowds. Remember to dress modestly and remove your shoes before entering.

Royal Palace Polonnaruwa

The Royal Palace of King Parakramabahu is a

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nother highlight on your Polonnaruwa sightseeing tour. This grand structure, which once boasted seven stories and a thousand rooms, now stands as a testament to the kingdom’s architectural brilliance. The palace ruins, with their intricate carvings and impressive scale, are best visited in the cooler hours of the day. Make sure to carry water and wear comfortable shoes.


The Vatadage, or circular relic house, is a unique structure that exemplifies the skill of ancient Sri Lankan architects. This stunning ruin, adorned with intricate stone carvings, housed the sacred tooth relic of the Buddha. The best time to visit is during the early morning or late afternoon to enjoy the site without the crowds.

Upcoming Events in Polonnaruwa

Polonnaruwa is not just about historical sites; it also hosts vibrant cultural events that offer a glimpse into the local traditions and celebrations.

Poson Festival

The Poson Festival in June commemorates the introduction of Buddhism to Sri Lanka by Arahat Mahinda. Polonnaruwa, with its significant Buddhist heritage, hosts many religious activities during this festival, including pilgrimages to sacred sites, illuminated processions, and more. Make sure to dress appropriately and be mindful of local customs.

Esala Festival

The Esala Festival, held in July and August, is one of the most significant cultural celebrations in the country. It marks the offering of the first fruits to the deities, and it features Peraheras (processions) with traditional dancers, drummers, and elaborately adorned elephants. It’s advisable to check the exact dates and plan your visit accordingly.

Polonnaruwa Perahera Festival

The Polonnaruwa Perahera is a spectacular procession that features traditional dancers, drummers, and beautifully decorated elephants. Held annually around August to September, this event attracts both locals and tourists, so make sure you secure your spot early to catch all the festivities.

Harvest Festival

Another significant event is the Harvest Festival, which celebrates the end of the rice harvesting season. This festival is held around February/March, and includes traditional rituals, music, and dance, offering a unique cultural experience. Local transportation options like tuk-tuks or bicycles are convenient for getting around during the festival.


What is Polonnaruwa famous for?
Polonnaruwa is famous for its well-preserved ancient ruins that offer a window into Sri Lanka’s medieval history. The city served as the capital of the Sinhalese Kingdom after the decline of Anuradhapura. Key things to see in Polonnaruwa include the Gal Vihara Temple, the Royal Palace Polonnaruwa, and various other Polonnaruwa tourist attractions.

What are the ruins in Polonnaruwa?
The ruins in Polonnaruwa are a series of ancient structures including palaces, temples, and monasteries. Notable sites include the Gal Vihara Temple with its impressive rock-cut Buddha statues, the Royal Palace with its vast and intricate layout, and the Vatadage with its unique circular design.

How to get to Polonnaruwa?
Polonnaruwa is easily accessible by several modes of transportation. Visitors can take a train or bus from Colombo, which takes approximately 5-6 hours. Alternatively, hiring a private car or taxi provides a more comfortable and direct route. If you are staying in nearby cities like Anuradhapura or Sigiriya, shorter bus and car rides are available. It’s advisable to book tickets in advance during peak travel seasons.

Is Polonnaruwa suitable for family trips?
Yes it is! The ancient city offers a mix of educational and recreational activities that can be enjoyed by visitors of all ages. Bicycling around the ruins is a popular activity for families. Additionally, the nearby national parks provide opportunities for wildlife safaris, which children particularly enjoy.

Polonnaruwa offers a perfect blend of history, culture, and natural beauty. Whether you’re exploring ancient ruins, participating in local festivals, or simply soaking in the serene ambiance, there’s something for everyone. For an unforgettable experience, visit Apple Vacations to book your holiday package now!